"Trust in the Lord With All Your Heart and Lean Not Unto Your Own Understanding. In All Your Ways Acknowledge Him and He Shall Direct Your Paths..." Proverbs 3: 5-6

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Better Week

George has now completed four cycles of the new Chemo regiment. This last Monday he just barely made counts to get the chemo, so we are grateful that he received the Neulasta injection last Tuesday. I don't think I had shared that the original plan to take daily Neupogen injections was put on hold due to the very large co-payment the injections would cost. Neupogen is one of the those drugs that when given inpatient it's covered 100%, but given at home it is very costly. The Neulasta is given in the infusion center so it is covered, but it can only be given when you have at least 14 days before the next dose of Chemo and it takes about three days before it "kicks in".  It is basically like a long acting Neupogen that increases the Neutrophil (white blood cell) counts.

Having two weeks of back-to-back chemo has been hard, but these past few days George is feeling a little stronger and now looks forward to this "off week", with NO chemo!  Additionally, he's now taking natural products, Green Smoothie's, and other supplements.  Thank you to Hazel, who has been bringing smoothie's to our door every morning, as well as, coconut's, and other healthful "alternatives."
A special thanks to Pastor Dan Fetters, for arranging a meeting with all of the Elders at our church, who prayed over us this past Wednesday evening...

We celebrate our 14th Wedding Anniversary this coming Tuesday. This year, we look at our marriage, our family, and our friendships, through a whole different perspective of love, appreciation, and gratitude.


  1. So happy to hear that it's been a better week!! Praying here as always, and keeping you all in my thoughts. These 14 years have been a long happy ride and I know with prayer and a little bit of luck, we will be celebrating many many more! Love you both.

  2. Happy Anniversary. Your wedding seems like only yesterday. I remember it well including the breakfast at the hotel the following morning.
    You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.
    Thanks for keeping us updated on George's progress.
    Our love to the family
    Uncle Bill and Becky

  3. Thanx for the update and wht sounds like good progress I'm praying!! AND Happy Anniversary!!!
    Hugs, Sassy/Sylvia---the Bovey gal

  4. So happy to hear that the counts were high enough to receive the chemotherapy. I trust you all will enjoy this week off. Happy Anniversary! #fourteen, our glass of good cheer is raised to both of you and your beautiful family.
