"Trust in the Lord With All Your Heart and Lean Not Unto Your Own Understanding. In All Your Ways Acknowledge Him and He Shall Direct Your Paths..." Proverbs 3: 5-6

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Resting and Waiting

On Monday afternoon we met with George's oncologist. It was decided that George needed to get more rest and nutritional support before considering additional chemo options. The stent is working, however, but George is limited to a soft diet for now. His weight loss in the hospital was significant, and we will be adding TPN to his regiment to help add calories. The process will take another day or so to set up, but he should start by the end of the week. We will meet with Dr.Wainberg again in two weeks to further discuss if the clinical trail in an option.


  1. Our thoughts and prayers continue. I am looking forward to a short visit with you sometime in early November. I will call when I get to LaVerne to set up a time.
    Uncle Bill and Becky

  2. We continue to pray for you every day George. We love you guys. Ken, Lori, John and Abby Jo.
